Sunday, April 19, 2015

Back in the Saddle...Again!

It's been a long time.  Yeah.  I know.  Life (and Candy Crush and Zuma Blitz) gets in the way.  It's not that I haven't been riding.  I have.  It's been nothing exciting though.  What's fun about riding to and from work every day?  Well, except for the going home part.  That's fun.

We have had a most glorious spring.  I finally kicked myself in the butt to get out for a ride on my own.  I am motivated too.  In the winter, I signed up for a 90Km bike ride.  It's the Medio part of the GranFondo in the Fraser Valley.  I have never ridden with a whole lot of other cyclists, so I will be quite a lot out of my comfort zone.  Actually, it scares the crap out of me.

Anyway.  Spectacular spring day.  We had a good run in the morning, so nothing like a short bike ride to fill in the afternoon.  I had planned to ride down to Deas Island Park, but didn't have enough time.  Actually, I didn't want to take the time since I felt a bit guilty about leaving hubby power washing the deck and patio.  So, I rode down along the river for half an hour and then back for half an hour.

Why do we always have to have headwind?  Coming home was a better, but it was a bit of a slog on the way out.  I did manage to stop and take this beautiful shot though.
Perfect shot to end a perfect ride!